Amalendu Jyotishi

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • Natural Resource Management and Commons
  • New Institutional Economics and Legal Pluralism
  • Ecosystem and Livelihood issues
  • Agriculture and Development Economics
  • Economic and Ecological History
  • Urban Food Security and Malnutrition


Amalendu works on issues relating to natural resources and institutions on the one hand, and innovation, entrepreneurship in Information Technology business on the other. He studies both from the perspective of institutional economics. 

He has two books and 35 research papers published in journals and book chapters to his credit apart from several conference papers and proceedings, popular articles and book reviews. He has been acting as reviewer for several reputed journals. He is one of the core research members of Asian Initiative on Legal Pluralism’ and was the coordinator of the group during the period 2012 to 2015. He is also an Executive Committee member of Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE) 2018 – 2020. His current portfolio of research interest includes fish for food security, dried fish value chain, subsistence economic models and commons. 

He has collaborated in research projects supported by organisations like The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), World Bank, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Oxfam (GB) Trust, Aga Khan Rural Support Program (India), South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE), Australian Research Council (ARC), and the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada. 

He is also an advisor to an online video magazine on development and environment issues named as Re[View].

He writes poem in his personal blog, a website and has published a few in the critical mirror.

Publications and Writings

  • Jyotishi, Amalendu; Viswanathan, Gopakumar; Madhavan, Sajiv; R, Parthasarathy, 2020, Public, Private or Cooperatives? The governance of Tawa reservoir fisheries, India, Fisheries Management and Ecology
  • Maarten Bavinck and Amalendu Jyotishi edited, 2015, Conflict Negotiations and Natural Resource Management: A Legal Pluralism Perspective from India, Routledge, Taylor and Francis, UK
  • Sivramkrishna Sashi and Jyotishi Amalendu 2008.Monopsonistic Exploitation in Contract Farming: Articulating a Strategy for Growers’ Co-operation Journal of International Development, Vol. 20.
  • Sivramkrishna Sashi and Jyotishi Amalendu2013. Unearthing the Roots of Colonial Forest Laws: Iron Smelting and the State in Pre- and early- Colonial India”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 48. No.5 February 2.
  • P Prasannavadanan Thampi, Amalendu Jyotishi, Ram Bishu, Forthcoming, Regional cultural diversities amongst small business entrepreneurs in India” International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business
  • P Prasannavadanan Thampi, Amalendu Jyotishi, Ram Bishu, 2018, Revisiting Hofstede in the Indian context: Understanding the influence of entrepreneurial culture on performance of micro, small and medium enterprises” International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 33 (3)
  • Amalendu Jyotishi, Sashi Sivramkrishna, Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, ” Characterizing Gold Mining Institutions in Nilgiri-Wayanad Region of India: A Historical-Institutional Perspective”, (2017), Economic and Political Weekly 52(28).
  • P Prasannavadanan Thampi, Amalendu Jyotishi, Ram Bishu, 2015 Cultural characteristics of small business entrepreneurs in India: examining the adequacy of Hofstede’s framework”, in International Journal of Business and Globalisation Vol 15 (4)
  • K. G. S. Kumar, P. P. Thampi, A. Jyotishi, and R. Bishu, 2013, Toward Strategically Aligned Innovative Capability: A QFD-Based Approach”, in Quality Management Journal 20 (4)
  • Namgha, T., L., G. and Jyotishi, A. (2019), Influence of remittances on capital endowment of Tibetan refugees in India”, International Journal of Development Issues, Vol. 18 No. 3, pp. 290 – 309. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​1​0​8​/​I​J​DI-01 – 2019-0014
  • K. G. Satheesh Kumar and Amalendu Jyotishi, 2013, Transaction Cost Levelling to Reduce Incumbent’s Difficulty in Innovation: A Heuristic Approach through Critical Review”, in International Journal of Knowledge, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Volume 1 Nos. 1– 2, pp. 25 — 39
  • Sivramkrishna Sashi and Jyotishi Amalendu, 2009. A Heuristic Analysis of Equity and Equality in the Institutionalization of Property Rights: The Baliraja Water Distribution Experiment, International Journal of Agricultural Resources Governance and Economics, Vol.8, No.1.
  • Jyotishi Amalendu, 2007. The Tawa Reservoir Fisheries Management: Experiences and Options Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.42, No.5, Feb3‑9.
  • Deshpande RS and Jyotishi Amalendu 2005.The State Policy and Poverty in India: An Understanding in Retrospective’, Indian Social Science Review, Vol.7, No.2.
  • Jyotishi Amalendu and Rout Satyapriya, 2005. Water Rights in Deccan Region: Insights from Baliraja and Other water Institutions Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 40, No.2, January 8 – 14.
  • Deshpande RS, Jyotishi Amalendu and Narayanamoorthy A, 2001. Indebtedness Among Agricultural Labourers from Deprived Castes: Towards an Explanation Artha Vijnana (Special Issue on Indebtedness among the Scheduled Castes Landless Agricultural Labour) Vol. 43, No. 1 – 2.
  • Narayanamoorthy A, Jyotishi Amalendu and Deshpande R S, 1999. Agricultural Growth and Migration: Search for New Evidence Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.54, No.3.
  • Amalendu Jyotishi, R Parthasarathy and Sajiv Madavan, 2018, Institutional challenges of common pool resource management: Insights from Tawa Reservoir Fisheries Cooperative in Manish K Verma edited Globalisation, Environment and Social Justice: Perspective Issues and concerns, Routledge, Taylor and Francis.
  • Amalendu Jyotishi and Manjula Menon (2018) titled Revisiting Statutory Laws and Customary Norms Governing Swidden Agricultural Systems: A Study in Southern Odisha” Malcolm Crain Edited Shifting Cultivation Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region: Trying to Get it Right” , CABI

On-going Projects

  • Dried Fish matters: mapping the social economy of dried fish in South and Southeast Asia for enhanced wellbeing and nutrition” funded by Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Canada. 2500,500 CAD; 2018 – 2025
  • Fish for Food Security in City Regions of India and Ghana – An Inter-Regional Innovation Project (FISH4FOOD) funded by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), September 2017 — 2020, 750,000 Euros
  • Inclusive Approach to Sustainability in a Subsistence Economy: A Comparative Study of two Scheduled Tribe Dominant District of Odisha and Kerala’, Funded by ICSSR, 2020 — 2022
  • Access and Appropriation of the Commons: A Study of Village Commons in Punjab and Telengana, Funded by ICSSR- IMPRESS, 2019 – 2021