Sowing Day Celebration

Get ready to dig in and sow the seeds of sustainability. Join in the green goodness! 

Farming club

It’s time to roll up our sleeves, put on our sun hats, and get our hands dirty as we come together for a day of planting, music, and community spirit!

The Sustainable Farming Club, Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, is hosting a Sowing Celebration and will be providing everything you need to get started, including seeds, tools, and guidance from our club members. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or a curious beginner, there is something for everyone at this laid-back and fun-filled event.

And speaking of fun, we will be cranking up the tunes to keep the energy high and the vibes positive throughout the day. So, get ready to groove to some feel-good beats as we sow the seeds of change together!

Whether you are planting for the first time or looking to expand your gardening skills, this event is your opportunity to connect with nature, learn something new, and make a positive impact on our environment.

So, grab your friends, bring your enthusiasm, and join us for an evening of green adventure! Let us sow the seeds of sustainability and watch as our garden grows into something truly beautiful.

Can’t wait to see you there, plant enthusiasts!