Archives and Archiving: Politics, Ethics, and Technology

Archiving the Past, Engaging the Present, Shaping the Future

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Azim Premji University invites you to our Humanities Conference 2024 titled Archives and Archiving, on March 14 and 15, where we delve to critically engage with the role of archives in preserving and understanding collective and individual history.

Archivists, historians, and activists who are working to create and preserve records of communities and individuals whose stories have been marginalised are coming together to critically look at the practice of preserving history.

They will explore the challenges of ensuring public access to archives while maintaining ethical practices, the impact of technology on archiving methods and accessibility, the rise of community archives and museums, and their significance in documenting local histories.

The conference features a diverse range of speakers, including:

  • Renowned archivists leading projects like the Bhagat Singh Archives and Resource Centre.
  • Scholars exploring the creation and utilisation of non-state archives, including those focused on labor movements and LGBTQ+ experiences.
  • Experts discussing the ethical considerations in archiving sensitive narratives like those of the Partition.
  • Representatives from community archives and museums, showcasing alternative models for historical preservation.

Attendees can witness a demonstration of an open-access platform designed to democratise access to historical records. Additionally, speaker-created exhibits will be displayed throughout the conference, providing a deeper exploration of the themes presented.

Join the conversation!

This timely conference is a valuable opportunity for anyone interested in history, social justice, and the power of archives.