5th Stories of Change Awards 2023 – 24

Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, invites you to celebrate Stories of Change: Case Studies on Development Action and Impact

The Stories of Change: Case Study Challenge’ seeks to facilitate and recognise documentation of good practices of social change. Since the University’s focus is on reflections and learning, we have captured impactful practices in a case study format focusing on existing interventions of NGOs, social movements, government programmes, and other development organisations including CSR foundations who are directly implementing the interventions.

Four editions of the Stories of Change have been published and awarded. The Fifth Edition winners have been chosen and finalised. The contributors will be felicitated at the event.

The earlier volumes of the compendium can be accessed through this link.


Welcome Address

Award Distribution

Sharing of Stories of Change by Awardees

Concluding Remarks and Vote of Thanks