Let’s Talk Mental Health

Inviting creative expressions from Undergraduate and Postgraduate students to normalise mental health awareness and support for all.

MPH Posterdraft 3

On World Mental Health Day, we invite creative expressions, to normalise conversations around mental health and assert the need for mental health for all. Through this exhibition, we attempt to share creative expressions of youth on mental health and wellbeing. It is an honest attempt to widen the vocabulary to express mental health beyond illness.

Submission Guidelines:

Creative expressions can be submitted by individuals or groups and should be in following formats: 

  • Visual Arts- Sketches/​Drawings/​Paintings
  • Poetry or Prose (not more than 500 words)
  • Submissions can be in English or Hindi. While submitting your entry, please include your (and/​or others in the group) name, programme and college/​university.

You can use one or more of the following prompts as guidelines for creative expressions:

  • What does mental health and wellbeing mean to you?
  • What makes you feel mentally healthy?
  • What are the things that enhance mental health for you and your communities? 
  • (Prompts: Reflect on those little things, experiences expressions, memories, thoughts in our lives, spaces that help us feel positive, motivated, connected, and help us overcome all odds)
  • What are those aspects in our lives, things that we own, habits that we foster or steps that we take together that keep all of us mentally healthy?
  • Submissions would be reviewed by a committee in the university and selected entries will be a part of the exhibition in the university.

Please submit your expressions to: fieldpractice.​mph@​apu.​edu.​in

Submit entries by 30 September 2023

Glimpses from the event