Nature in Our Cities: Discovering Wilderness in Cities

More than 50% of today’s world population live in cities. The interactions with nature are limited from what we see and do in the urban space. Yet, from the Chalky Percher to the Giant Moth, from the Common Lantana to the Tiger Butterfly, there’s a whole world of flora and fauna around us that is waiting to be discovered.

Do join us for the engaging discussion with Karthikeyan Srinivasan and Kunal Sharma. Karthikeyan is the Chief Naturalist at Jungle Lodges and Resorts. He has at least three decades of experience in teaching various age groups about nature. He brings an insight into the lesser known organisms and strives to create awareness about them. His journal on nature is at www​.wild​wan​der​er​.com.

The talk will be aired live on Azim Premji University YouTube Channel.