The Monkey in the Mirror: Thinking about the Urban Macaques of India with Anindya Sinha

Nature does not merely exist in the forest, but it abounds all around us, even in our cities. To explore and discuss flora and fauna in our vicinity, Azim Premji University brings you a Webinar series — Nature in our Cities. The webinar is part of the overall #SeekingSustainability umbrella. The series will be of particular interest to people who wish to know more about the environment and urban ecology. 

In the fifth edition, we will talk about the Urban Macaques in India, or what are popularly known as monkeys. There are two Indian species, namely, the Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta) and the Bonnet Macaque (Macaca radiata), that are endemic to peninsular India. We will be discussing issues related to interplay of the macaque populations and humans, especially in the urban cities of India, like Delhi and others.

Anindya Sinha, is renowned expert who has been studying the macaques for well over three decades and will be sharing his insights on what are the challenges faced by the macaques when they live in close proximity of their cousins, namely, humans.