Spectroscopy and its Application to Nanomaterials

Shedding light on what the eye cannot see.

The electromagnetic spectrum of light has energies ranging from cosmic rays to radio waves depending on the frequency of the light. This course begins on this basis and proceeds to scan the electromagnetic spectrum. Along the way, correlating the light photon energies to the different types of light-matter interactions which lead to the various spectroscopic techniques employed to characterize materials. 

Elucidating the structure and properties of materials is a founding step towards determining their applications. The interaction of light and matter form the crux of materials characterisation or spectroscopy. The entire range of the electromagnetic spectrum has its role to play depending on the requirement. Each portion of the spectrum comes with its own nuances in behavior hence its interaction with matter.

Each of these will be elaborated in the present course. Visualizing structures in the nanometer and sub-nanometer régime require another fascinating technique: electron microscopy. The inclusion of this technique in the course forms the perfect bridge between characterisation techniques and modern advances in material science at the nanoscale.