Programme Planning and Designing for Development Interventions

The course focuses on the programmes and interventions of Social Sector Organisations and locates them in the context of the organisational mission, vision, goal and strategic plans.

Social sector organisations (SSOs) engage in a wide array of development interventions to bring about a desired change in the lives of communities they work with. In order to implement these interventions successfully and create a meaningful impact for target communities, SSOs need to have a clear understanding of community needs, identify feasible solutions, design interventions and allocate resources for implementation.

The course will help students to comprehend how the organisational practices and priorities flow from the organisational goals and strategic plans, as well as the considerations, choices and challenges that SSOs face when planning and designing

The course will build competencies of students in designing an intervention and developing an action plan for its implementation. It will equip students with skills to
analyse programmes of SSOs in relation to their organisational mission, vision, mandates and strategic plan. The conceptualizing and designing of development action will involve ability to use needs assessment tools, analysing and prioritizing problems, identifying solutions and designing interventions in line with the organisation’s goals.
Further, using hands-on exercises, interactions with practitioners and examples from real-life interventions, the course will help the students to apply the results framework and develop the objectives, activities, timeline and budget for the intervention.