Climate Justice in India

This course develops abilities, character, and a sense of direction towards climate justice.

The initial course module focuses on theoretical approaches to climate justice. The second module locates the boundaries and contours of climate change in the Indian context. Next, an experiential hands-on learning module guides learners in developing familiarity with some commonly used methods, tools and resources to augment the practice of climate justice in varied sectoral/​disciplinary/​professional contexts. Where applicable, students will be encouraged to practice using such methods and resources in the specific context of their individual projects. The concluding module on transformative approaches for climate justice in India further develops and synthesises the theoretical and practical insights generated earlier in the course through a close engagement with the student projects developed during the course.

The pedagogic approach of this course adopts a mixture of lectures, individualised guidance, peer learning, and learning by doing. In-class and online discussions on specific topics are of high importance as is preparing for each class by familiarising oneself with the background materials. Each class typically involves an initial instructor-led mini-lecture followed by a number of interactive and/​or hands-on mini-sessions devoted to analysing, developing and applying relevant theory and background knowledge to well-defined socio- environmental problems/​contexts in India. Images, videos, and multimedia resources are woven into the classes where relevant. Guest lecturers will be invited to take special sessions when possible.