Alumni Speak: Sahana Subramanyam and Meghna Prasad

Sahana Subramanyam and Meghna Prasad, B.A. Economics 2015 – 18

Meghna Shahana 2

Sahana Subramanyam and Meghna Prasad are alumni of the undergraduate programme at Azim Premji University. They were both part of the first batch of B.A in Economics 2015 – 18 at the University, and are currently pursuing their Ph.D. in Economics at two of the best economics schools in the world. Sahana is at Stanford University and Meghana is at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Here they describe their academic journey and how their undergraduate experience has helped them along the way. During their undergraduate years, both were part of the honours programme and worked on independent research projects. They mention how courses like History of Economic Thought and Political Economy were instrumental in getting them excited about the discipline. These courses along with more standard ones like Econometrics, prepared them well for their masters. After leaving the University, Meghana did her masters at the University of Gottingen in Germany, and Sahana at the Bocconi University in Italy.