Education for the 21st century

Sheetal Harumalani, BA Humanities, 2015 – 18, is a part of an ed-tech startup in Bengaluru, providing education to students aged 8 – 18, that is relevant and fun in the 21st century.

The values learnt at Azim Premji University that will stay with me forever are integrity, desire to help the underserved, critical thinking, and empathy.
Sheetal Harumalani Alumni

Sheetal Harumalani, BA in Humanities, 2015 – 18

Sheetal, a Learning and Development Specialist at Early Steps Academy, creates curriculum on topics like cryptocurrency, climate change, personal finance, etc., and on skills like critical thinking, empathy, collaboration, communication, and confidence. 

It is a rigorous process involving weeks of research, age-appropriate content, and using pedagogical tools to make the overall teaching-learning process fun and engaging. She also facilitates classes for students from across the globe and trains other facilitators. 

Training other facilitators is both fun and challenging for Sheetal as she experienced that empathy, inspiration and having an open ear to fellow facilitators are some of the most effective ways to train them to deliver in truly global classrooms. Before joining this tech start-up, she has worked with Azim Premji Foundation in Rajasthan for a year.

Sheetal was always interested in bringing social change through education and during her study at Azim Premji University, this realisation became more distinct, and she decided to pursue a career in education. 

The University helped her understand education, especially in an Indian context and embedded skills like empathy and resilience which she practices. She realises that it is a challenging journey, and much commitment and conviction is needed to bring about social change. 

What Sheetal is doing to help youngsters adapt to the 21st century is remarkable and the way she and her colleagues are trying to accomplish it is quite unique and radical.