The 6th National Social Enterprise Idea Challenge

For students from across India to explore social entrepreneurship and share their innovative social change ideas in a rigorous and competitive fashion. 

This is a great platform for young minds to meet, network and exchange thoughts. Winners are awarded certificates and prize money.

Winners of the challenge

History behind the National Social Enterprise Idea Challenge

In 2016, we launched a national-level Social Enterprise Idea Challenge for college and university students across India.

Of the eighteen winners from the past five years, nine teams have gone on to pursue their ideas ahead.

The ones who do pursue the idea benefit from the media coverage and the award resulting from the competition and most have gone on to receive additional financial or mentoring support from incubators and other organisations such as IIT Kanpur, IIM Bangalore, YCombinator.

Watch out this space for more updates.

For more details on the last 5 years of the Idea challenge, please read this report.

For any further queries, write to us at: socialenterprisecell@​apu.​edu.​in
