Student assessment in practice October 2020 Batch

Student assessment is a critical aspect of the teaching and learning process that helps to systematically improve the quality of students’ learning through improved programs, curricula and teaching. 

This course aims to enable teachers, teacher educators and assessment practitioners plan effective assessment, conduct assessment with appropriate tools and techniques and use assessment results for improving teaching and learning. 

This course will primarily target assessment of students’ learning levels with a primary focus on elementary level school education. You will develop a theoretical perspective on assessment together with a practical insight by working on several hands-on assignments and projects which will enable you to practice and apply the knowledge of concepts learnt throughout the course.


All applicants must have a few years of working experience in the area of education. You must possess a working knowledge of English. 

Applicants will be shortlisted based on applications. The decision of the evaluation committee will be final.

For any questions, please write to:

1. You will understand the paradigm shifts in approaches of assessment from assessment of learning to assessment as learning.

2. You will design quality assessment using various tools and methods of assessment.

3. You will use assessment results to improve students’ learning and overall classroom processes.

1. Teachers teaching in government and private schools.

2. Teacher educators teaching in government, government aided and private teacher education institutions.

3. Practitioners working directly with teachers, teacher educators in non-profit, civil society, research and academic organisations.

This will be awarded to participants who complete 70% of the assignments and attends 80% of the interactive sessions.

Session details

Introduction to assessment: Users, approaches and formative asssessment

Designing assessment: Learning outcomes, Quality of assessment as per AERA standards, methods of authentic assessments, Process of tool development

Using assessment: Response analysis, feedback and reporting, understanding large scale assessment reports


Course Faculty

Fee Structure

INR 3000Tuition and course materials

Fee waivers are available for early bird registration and teachers and teacher educators from government schools and institutions.

For any questions, please write to:
