Arun Naik


Arun Naik is a part of the Professional Development Programme associated with the School of Continuing Education and University Resource centre(SCE-URC).

Arun has a master’s degrees in Mathematics along with an M.Ed. Prior to joining the Foundation, Arun worked for six years as a teacher educator in New Horizon College of Education (Bangalore). He has also worked at Teacher Foundation (Bangalore) in the area of content development and teacher training, for almost three years. He brings rich experience in teacher preparation and development along with subject expertise in mathematics to the Foundation’s work.

Certificate Courses

  • Perspectives on Public Education System

    This course is envisaged keeping in mind the above context and, therefore, the need to provide opportunities for the officials to review and re-appraise their roles and work towards both a larger vision of education and its relation to different key stakeholders in the public education system today.